The holiday season is the perfect time to refresh our self-care routines. Or restart them, if you’ve fallen out of the practice. Consider scheduling one or two sessions with your own coach, or just make a point to prioritize the things that keep you at your best.
Stephen Covey wrote that we should strive to begin with the end in mind. This is the second habit from his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He said that in order to create what we want, we must first envision it.
Imagine we are just a few weeks in the future, and the December holidays are done for another year. How would you like to feel? What would you like to have accomplished? Who would you have liked to be, as a spouse, parent, partner, child, friend, colleague, and community member? What do you really want for this holiday season?
When we reach this time, say mid- to late-January, look back at your vision and assess how close it was to the reality. Craft new visions for bits and pieces of the season, so they can stay in your mind as you plan for the next year.
To help yourself remember, schedule an email to remind you in a few weeks, use your task management software, or add an item to your calendar. Book a future session with your coach and ask them to keep you accountable.
We don’t need to feel stuck doing things we’ve always done, or because we think it’s what others want, or because it’s just “what you do” at this time of year. Again, what do you really want?
Part of Marie Kondo’s infamous method of organizing is to pick up each of your possessions and ask whether it sparks joy. Why not try the same thing with your holiday traditions? Give yourself and others—including children—permission to celebrate this season differently. Craft a vision, and make it happen!